Which type of fiduciary should plan sponsors hire?
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about whether plan sponsors should contract with their administrative providers for section 3(16) fiduciary services. Outlined below are the different types of fiduciary services available to plan sponsors.
ERISA Section 3(16) Fiduciary Services
A new offering in the marketplace, some third party plan administration firms (TPAs) are willing to be named as ERISA Section 3(16) plan fiduciaries for various plan administration duties. Typically, the different administrative services that these TPAs are willing to serve as fiduciaries for are listed. As a result, the type and quality of 3(16) offerings varies by provider.
For example, there are some TPAs that are willing to serve as 3(16) fiduciaries for distributions and loans but are unwilling to make a determination on whether a Domestic Relations Order is qualified. As a result, at this time the marketplace is a bit uneven in terms of 3(16) fiduciary services.
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about whether plan sponsors should contract with their administrative providers for section 3(16) fiduciary services. Outlined below are the different types of fiduciary services available to plan sponsors.
ERISA Section 3(16) Fiduciary Services
A new offering in the marketplace, some third party plan administration firms (TPAs) are willing to be named as ERISA Section 3(16) plan fiduciaries for various plan administration duties. Typically, the different administrative services that these TPAs are willing to serve as fiduciaries for are listed. As a result, the type and quality of 3(16) offerings varies by provider.
For example, there are some TPAs that are willing to serve as 3(16) fiduciaries for distributions and loans but are unwilling to make a determination on whether a Domestic Relations Order is qualified. As a result, at this time the marketplace is a bit uneven in terms of 3(16) fiduciary services.