How branding is critical to the hiring process
Employer branding should make your company stand out from the competition.
When you’re seeking high-quality talent for your company, you can’t rely only on the appeal of a specific role to get the results you need.
Your business should also be a place where people truly want to work.
An employer brand is a powerful factor in determining which companies candidates apply to. In addition, it plays a key role in improving both employee engagement and retention.
And because branding continues to be a major differentiator throughout the business world, it’s critical that employers and companies’ identities remain consistent throughout all parts of the hiring process.
Establishing a level of uniqueness
Brand consistency allows you to promote your company as distinct from the rest of the pack and as a desirable place to work.
Peer Group U.S. noted that integrating your company’s values and mission into hiring will turn your business into a unique entity candidates can easily identify and with which they’ll want to associate.
These ideals should be woven into every step of the hiring process, from the job description to the way interviews are conducted, to create an accurate and truthful picture of what a prospective employee could expect from your company.
Maintaining a consistent brand throughout the hiring process also helps you determine how well candidates are likely to fit a given role as well as your organization.
If your applicants feel a strong connection with your branding, they’re more likely to be comfortable working for you.
Transparency and competition pushing progress
According to Harvard Business Review, the rise of social media is also a major reason to make your brand consistent. Social media has increased demand for transparency both inside and outside a company.
Instead of just using advertising to attract prospects, you now have to provide a peek into the inner workings of your company to demonstrate that there’s more to your business than merely the products and services you provide.
Branding will also be a source of competition in the future as labor becomes more specialized. Citing a survey by Universum, HBR found that by 2020, 40 percent of executives will focus on branding to secure long-term recruitment needs, while 31 percent will build their employer brand on a global level.
Maintaining brand consistency at the global level both as a company and as an employer not only makes it much easier to hire employees wherever and whenever they’re needed, but strengthens the overall quality of your hires.