New Group Onboarding Checklist

Thank you for your interest in our Franchisee Benefits Program. Please review the below materials that will guide you on the steps upcoming between today and your group’s effective date. If you have any questions, please let our office know. Our next available effective date is September 1, 2024.

Step Number Title Details Due Date
Step 1 Employer Application & Ease Census Please complete our Employer Group Application that you have or will receive from our email system. Here, you’ll indicate all plans you wish to offer, any contributions you wish to provide, and all pertinent business information. Additionally, please complete the Ease census you have received via email with all full-time and/or eligible employees for benefits. All columns are required to be completed. July 26, 2024
Step 2 Confirmation of Plans Once we have received your completed Employer Application, our office will begin the build out and integration set up of your group. You will receive an email to confirm all plans, contributions, and classes. Our office will require confirmation of these plans and selections. July 29, 2024
Step 3 Review of Ease Kickoff Procedures Please review the materials located here in regards to the Ease Kickoff Procedures. You’ll find all information necessary to know prior to your groups Open Enrollment beginning. August 1, 2024
Step 4 Beginning Your Group’s Open Enrollment Your group will be eligible to enroll in coverage beginning August 5, 2024 and will have until 11:59 PM ET on August 16 to enroll in benefits. Employees will receive a welcome email on the morning of August 5, and will receive a reminder email on August 14 if they have yet to complete their enrollment. August 5, 2024
Step 5 Enrollment Closed Your group enrollment has now closed; our office and our carrier partners will now begin enrolling your employees in their benefits. Employees will be able to find all temporary ID Cards inside their Documents folder in their Ease portal. September 1, 2024
Step 6 Your first month’s bill You will receive your first month’s bill on or around the first of the month. Please note we bill one month in advance per requirements of our carriers. Your first invoice will be for two months of coverage, after your first invoice you’ll receive only one month of coverage invoiced to you. Payments are due by the 16th of every month. You can pay online as you go or set up automatic payments. After your first month of coverage, all invoices will be received the first of every month. September 1, 2024