Summary of Law for Individuals **
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established new standards and opportunities for access to health care in the United States. Congress enacted this law in March 2010. It set up new health insurance rules for everyone.
Here are a few highlights of the law:
- Almost everyone is now required to have health insurance.
- Nobody can be denied health insurance coverage.
- Most health plans must include preventive care at no cost to you.
- For most health plans, your out-of-pocket costs for health care can’t exceed a set amount.
- You must get a clearly written summary of your benefits and coverage.
- Children can stay on the family health plan until they turn 26.
- You can buy a health plan through a public exchange, or marketplace. Or you can buy a health plan without going through the public exchange. These plans must cover a defined set of benefits.
- If you buy your plan through a public exchange, the government may help you pay for it.
The law covers most health plans sold today. But some parts don’t apply to plans that were sold before the law was passed. They are called grandfathered plans.
**Individual mandate to have minimum essential health coverage or pay a penalty is repealed for 2019.
- Individuals are no longer required to have health insurance or pay a penalty
- Health insurers fee is suspended for one year